Final conforming, image and effects integration, noise reduction, grain application according to the needs of each project. Integration of graphic design, subtitling and sound mixing. We have allied professionals to offer all the post-production, with whom we work on visual effects, design, composition and animation of credits, editing, sound design and final 5.1 mix.


We worked in the Davinci Resolve Studio 17.2 suite with input formats in 5K, 4K, 2K, Ultra HD and Full HD, designing the workflow according to the needs and characteristics of the project. Conceptual contribution to the final look of the image, working together with the project director and the d.O.P., achieving an approach that highlights the influence of colour and light in the audiovisual narrative.


Whatever the final destination of your project, we offer you a solution within the package/delivery range: DCP, DPX or TIFF sequences, Prores, DNXHD, H264, each at the appropriate resolution for cinema, or web streaming.


Whether it is feature films, series, short films, TV series or soap operas, we offer the possibility of giving new life to your audiovisual asset through digital restoration based on artificial intelligence leading to its remastering.